Posts Tagged ‘Atlanta Federal Prison Camp’

I am always asked about the food in prison so it I thought I would do a quick write-up.  It seems that television and crime shows always show the baloney sandwich or the mush of some prisons.  Although I only served a short time at the Atlanta Camp, I can affirm that the food there was not too bad.  It definitely lacked the spices and flavors of food from home, but it was decent. The chow hall offered a comfortable environment for eating. In retrospect, it was reminiscent of a school cafeteria.

At Atlanta, the menu followed a five-week cycle (as do most Federal Prisons).  The mornings brought pancakes, oatmeal, cereal, eggs (sometimes hard-boiled), and biscuits and gravy. I usually woke at 5am each morning to get my shower and get ready for the day to begin. I routinely walked to the chow hall around 6:00 and waited in line to get my helping of food. Some would bring their own cereal, oatmeal or other items from the commissary. (more…)

Since being released from prison, on August 21st, 2012, I have spoken to a number people about my time in the Federal Prison Camp.

Anyone who has read my blog and has had similar experiences to mine knows that I have tried to be as candid as possible in regards to what happens in the prison camp.  I’m not here to judge one person or another; no matter what their crime was or what their beliefs are.  I also believe that ever prisoner has a duty to make good use of their time while incarcerated.  In my case, I felt as if I had relied on my family long enough.  They didn’t mind helping me, and I will forever be grateful for their emotional and financial support.  I am practical, however, and I recognized that at some point I would need to sustain myself again.  Thinking of my family constantly, I decided that I needed to make the most of my time in prison.  Rather than spending my days mulling over all the bad things that I had done or been subjected to, I decided to look inward and reevaluate the patterns of my life.  I finally acknowledged that I alone was responsible for my troubles and decision.  I accepted that retribution and punishment were part of my choices I made.  Once I was able to come to peace with this I was able to find strength and begin the healing process.  The alternative would have been to cling to negativity and create an environment that in my opinion holds back so many prisoners.

Not knowing what prison life was going to be like; except for those images depicted on television and the movies; I talked to several inmates upon my arrival in hopes of trying to decide the best way to get through my predicament.  My determinations…focus on the future, remember the past, but don’t dwell on it.  I figured that keeping the end in mind would be the only way to keep my sanity and ensure success when released.  Doing this will make sure that your days of confinement are much more productive and easier to get through. (more…)

I realize that it has been almost 7 months since I left the Atlanta Federal Prison Camp.  I often think about some of the guys I was there with and how they are doing.  One of things that we all shared was having to go through medical while at the prison.

If there was a frightening aspect of the prison it was the medical side of things.  My first encounter with the medical staff was while I was in the DCU.  It was the second day I was there and I hear the door unlock and a guard yell out my name.  I answered “Yes Ma’am”.  She said I’m here to give you your TB test.  She administered the test (simple shot in the arm) and told me they would be back in 48 hours to read the test. (more…)